Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How To Tame Frizzy Hair Without Spending A Dime

I hate when my hair gets frizzy, especially, during the summer months. So I do this everyday to help with the frizz and even if this doesn't work for you it won't do you any harm.
First, thing first. You need to get into the shower. I know it's a stupid step but, it's important. Then, when you're right about to wash the conditioner out of your hair, turn your shower to cold or at least cool. After that, all you have to do is wash the conditioner out thoroughly.
So, thats all you need to do. Oh, and be sure to comment and let me know if this works for you. It works for me but I'm not sure what the results are for other people.
As a side note, it may take a little while longer to get all the conditioner out of your hair because the cool water makes it easier to feel the conditioner or maybe cold water makes it harder to get out. Whatever the reason, it's gonna take you a minute or two longer than if the water was warm.

1 comment:

  1. I herd about this, and It has not worked for me. I have thick, frizzy, and sometimes wavy hair. It's always like that. Not very many things work for me and I was wondering if you know of anything else I could do?
